Autumn Trimble

Currently learning Web Development!
Stay tuned for more projects and udpates.


Bachelors of Science: Psychology & Sociology

September 2014 - December 2017
Dircted Research
Dr. John Levine | Group Processes Lab
November 2016 - August 2017
  • Coded videos of group interactions to look for trends in what information participants use to assert and justify their argument
  • Utilized programs such as Excel and Qualtrics to code and store data in order to allow for easy manipulation of information to utilize in statistical analysis
  • Edited and revised drafts of research papers to be submitted for review
  • olve all problems and answers questions of phone interviewers concerning the protocol, database, and technology
Key Courses
  • Abnormal Psychology
  • Psychology Research Methods
  • Sociology Resarch Methods


Research Assistant

Filter, LLC for Facebook Reality Labs
Janurary 2018 - Present
  • Condcuts research studies on various capture systems with a large number of participants
  • Helps to create, test, and modify the study tasks


University of Pittsburgh Behavioral and Community Health Sciences
May 2016 - Feburary 2018
  • Manages a database of over 12,000 phone numbers to accurately reflect the protocol approved by the Telephone Consumer Protection Act to ensure phone interviewers have suitable and significant sample to call
  • Screen and train new employees in interviewing techniques and procedures to maximize the number of completed and valid surveys
  • Performs quality control measures by monitoring interviewers on phone calls and creating weekly productivity reports of all 25 interviewers that reflect their overall performance
  • Resolve all problems and answers questions of phone interviewers concerning the protocol, database, and technology

Research Assistant

  • Utilize Excel spreadsheets of names and descriptions of Facebook groups in order to understand why the groups formed
  • Conduct backgrund research and literature review of coding practicies and groups
  • In total,coded 8,600 Facebook groups and separated them into five categories of reasons why the group seemed to have formed

So, what can I do?

  • Well I created this as my first website! I'm looking forward to creating and building new projects as my education for Web Dev continues.
  • I have kept 12 different plants alive for a year now.

Okay, but what other skills do I have?

  • Basic and functional understanding of HTML, CSS, Bootstrap.
  • Beginner knowledge of Python
  • Can work effectively in a group, as well as independently
  • Strong attention to detail without missing the overall goal